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Read MoreWe provide exceptional landscaping services to a wide range of commercial and residential properties for over 35 years, including large corporate environments, city parks, shopping malls and appartments. Our experienced landscapers set the standard each day in landscape design, paving, hardscaping. We will whip your yard into shape in no time.
INŠTALÁCIA NAŠIMI ŠPECIALISTAMI Chápeme, že vaša nehnuteľnosť je veľká investícia a chceme, aby ste vedeli, že náš tím špecialistov je tu pre Vás, aby sme Vám pomohli…
READ MOREVÝROBCA DECORGRASS ponúka na svoje výrobky záruku 6 až 10 rokov. Záruka sa vzťahuje na zmenu zafarbenia trávy a na degradáciu vlákien vplyvom UV žiarenia. Dĺžka záruky…
READ MOREUMELÁ TRÁVA Starostlivosť o umelý trávnik je veľmi dôležitá a podstatná z dôvodu zvyšovania životnosti a tiež funkčnosti trávnika. Naši špecialisti Vám dokážu…
READ MOREWith so many years of experience in the business, our company is your
source for the highest quality and landscaping service.
The Landscaper is a full-service landscaping company with a straightforward and unique design/build philosophy. We believe in having one landscape designer handle the job from its conception on paper, to the realization on your property. The reason; by doing this you are able to communicate and work with a single individual, where you can share your thoughts and idea's with to bring them, in collaboration, to life.
The Landscaper is made up of a group of highly skilled landscaping professionals who pays a lot of attention to small details. In the 30+ years of experience our staff keep your property looking and functioning beautifully. Our landscapers are fully licensed
The reason; by doing this you are able to communicate and work with a single individual, where you can share your thoughts and idea's with to bring them, in collaboration...
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Read MoreThe Landscaper is a premium WordPress theme designed specifically for lawn, landscaping and gardening business. We’ve…
Read MoreYesterday we were awarded with the ‚Best Landscaper Of The Country‘ award. These award of excellence…
Read MoreThe Landscaper is a very good landscaping company. They do tree removal also. We liked them because all the employees are hard working, honest and reliable. They always come on time, and the prices are good too!
What a great job carried out by The Landscaper. From the initial planning to completion. Always on time, and left the site spotless on completion. We definitely going to use your landscaping services again in the future!
We found The Landscaper a pleasure to work with. The staff was friendly, hard working and completed the projects within the time agreed upon. Our own ideas were very carefully listened to and reflected in the design
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the excellent service your company provides. Our yard always looks perfect when you are done. You are very thorough and always go the extra mile. Thanks again!